#No Brand Name Product Model Description Global Price Our Price
12201 Dell A2485002 VLA SYSTEM CENTER OPERATIONS MANAGER SE $1821.00 - Get Discount
12202 Dell A2477506 VLA SERVER MANAGEMENT SUITE ENT LICENSE $1821.00 - Get Discount
12203 Dell A2103237 VLA SERVER MANAGEMENT SUITE ENT LICENSE $1821.00 - Get Discount
12204 Dell A2103145 VLA SERVER MANAGEMENT SUITE ENT LICENSE $1821.00 - Get Discount
12205 Dell A2085809 VLA OFFICE PRO PLUS LICENSE/SOFTWARE AS $1821.00 - Get Discount
12206 Dell 4430T BASE,C433LT,15.0,VAS,I7500, French $1821.00 - Get Discount
12207 Dell 13622_828-9540 ProSupport 7x24 HW-SW Techincal Support, 3 Years $1821.00 - Get Discount
12208 Dell 12519_815-5031 ProSupport Plus Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7x24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 48 Months Extended $1821.00 - Get Discount
12209 Dell 12446_815-5031 ProSupport Plus Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7x24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 48 Months Extended $1821.00 - Get Discount
12210 Dell 12016_810-8387 Prosupport Plus powered By Copilot Mission Critical 4Hr 7x24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 2 Years Ext $1821.00 - Get Discount
12211 Dell 12015_810-8650 Prosupport Plus powered By Copilot Mission Critical 4Hr 7x24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 2 Years Ext $1821.00 - Get Discount
12212 Dell 810-8650 Prosupport Plus powered By Copilot Mission Critical 4Hr 7x24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch. 2 Years Ext $1821.00 - Get Discount
12213 Dell 810-8387 Prosupport Plus powered By Copilot Mission Critical 4Hr 7x24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch. 2 Years Ext $1821.00 - Get Discount
12214 Dell 807-2441 KYC,OEM,POS,PE,87MO,Med $1821.00 - Get Discount
12215 Dell 870-1158 24M PSMC DPS SKT T2 36MP-MDL SWS $1821.03 - Get Discount
12216 Dell AC069119 VLA AZURE OVERAGE RECONCILE $1821.13 - Get Discount
12217 Dell A6727640 VLA WINDOWS SRVR DATACENTER SA STEPUP F $1821.14 - Get Discount
12218 Dell A9001222 RS SVR ENCL 52U 600MM 1100MM BLACK $1821.31 - Get Discount
12219 Dell A6591073 VLA WINDOWS SRVR DATACENTER SA STEPUP F $1821.33 - Get Discount
12220 Dell A6591069 VLA WINDOWS SRVR DATACENTER SA STEPUP F $1821.33 - Get Discount
12221 Dell A6591065 VLA WINDOWS SRVR DATACENTER SA STEPUP F $1821.33 - Get Discount
12222 Dell A6591063 VLA WINDOWS SRVR DATACENTER SA STEPUP F $1821.33 - Get Discount
12223 Dell A6431700 VLA WINDOWS SRVR DATACENTER SA STEPUP F $1821.33 - Get Discount
12224 Dell AB650540 VLA AZURE OVERAGE RECONCILE $1821.39 - Get Discount
12225 Dell A2094987 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32/64BIT SA $1821.50 - Get Discount
12226 Dell AB200107 DTA VMWARE CPP T3 UPG VMWARE VSAN7 ENT $1821.60 - Get Discount
12227 Dell AB100276 VLA VMW CPP T3 UPGD VSAN 7 ENT FOR 1 PR $1821.60 - Get Discount
12228 Dell AB037274 VLA VMWARE QTY 10 NAMED U ADDON INCL CL $1821.60 - Get Discount
12229 Dell AB001890 VLA ORAN CPP T3 UPGD VMW VSAN 6 ENT FOR $1821.60 - Get Discount
12230 Dell A9424026 VLA DYNAMICS 365 PLAN 1 FOR CRM ONLINE $1821.60 - Get Discount
12231 Dell A9423709 VLA DYNAMICS 365 PLAN 1 FROM SA FROM CR $1821.60 - Get Discount
12232 Dell A9423263 VLA DYNAMICS 365 PLAN 1 ENT 100-249 PER $1821.60 - Get Discount
12233 Dell A9423017 VLA DYNAMICS 365 PLAN 1 ENT 1-99 PER US $1821.60 - Get Discount
12234 Dell 8XCK8 MOD,SW,350MBPS,VCO-ENT,14MTH $1821.60 - Get Discount
12235 Dell 7JN3X MOD,SW,350MBPS,VCO-ENT,1YR $1821.60 - Get Discount
12236 Dell 3T2DT MOD,SW,350MBPS,VCO-ENT,17MTH $1821.60 - Get Discount
12237 Dell NR1FT CUS,DF,LIC,SONIC,STD,400G3Y,B2 $1821.69 - Get Discount
12238 Dell HR93Y MOD,DF,LIC,SONIC,STD,400G3Y,B2 $1821.69 - Get Discount
12239 Dell AC123307 VLA AZURE OVERAGE RECONCILE $1821.79 - Get Discount
12240 Dell 852-9096 MD-SVC-INC-CSTM-ADVOFC-CCMEDRMCART-MEDIA $1821.84 - Get Discount
12241 Dell AC009842 ET3263L-2UWA-1-MT-ZB-GY-G ELO 3263L 32IN $1821.99 - Get Discount
12242 Dell 864-2001 PSPMC 4H7X24 OS HCI XC750 5YR EXT $18210.00 - Get Discount
12243 Dell 999_A8477029 DELL F BIG-IP VE BR BNDL ADD-ON LICS POOL 25MBPS 4INSTANCES $18210.99 - Get Discount
12244 Dell 999_A8477026 DELL F BIG-IP VE BR BNDL LICS POOL 25MBPS 4INST V11.5-V15.X $18210.99 - Get Discount
12245 Dell 999_A8477010 DELL F BIG-IP VE LTM ADD-ON LICS POOL 200MBPS 4INSTANCES $18210.99 - Get Discount
12246 Dell 999_A8477007 DELL F BIG-IP VE LTM LICS POOL 200MBPS 4INSTANCES V11.5-V15.X $18210.99 - Get Discount
12247 Dell 865-5559 PSMC 4H7X24 OS DP8900 TLA 2YR EXT $182108.00 - Get Discount
12248 Dell AA536910 VLA AZURE OVERAGE FEE $18211.42 - Get Discount
12249 Dell AB653870 FORTIANALYZER-150G HW+3YR 24X7 FORTICARE $18212.00 - Get Discount
12250 Dell A5920308 VLA SQL SERVER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE LI $18212.00 - Get Discount
12251 Dell 999_634-BILS Brocade 16 Ports-On-Demand activation, with (0) SFPs for Gen 6 Mid-Range Switch, Customer Kit $18212.00 - Get Discount
12252 Dell 631-ABBO Brocade 16 Ports-On-Demand activation. with (0) SFPs for Gen 6 Mid-Range Switch $18212.00 - Get Discount
12253 Dell AA145131 VLA MCAFEE ADV THREAT DEF 6100 STANDAR $182124.80 - Get Discount
12254 Dell 999_A8086114 3YR BIG-IP PRODUCT SBS SBS IP INTELLIGENCE LICS 8900/8950/10000 $18213.99 - Get Discount
12255 Dell 999_A7731501 F5 VIPRION URL Filtering - Subscription license ( 3 years ) - 1 chassis $18213.99 - Get Discount
12256 Dell 999_A7731455 DELL F 3YR BIG SBS IP INTELL LICS 8900/8950/10000/10200 $18213.99 - Get Discount
12257 Dell AC066804 VLA AZURE OVERAGE RECONCILE $18214.17 - Get Discount
12258 Dell AC028884 VLA AZURE OVERAGE RECONCILE $18214.17 - Get Discount
12259 Dell AC023547 URI QUALYS VULNERABILITY MGMT ENT PUBLI $18215.00 - Get Discount
12260 Dell 1253_973-0323 CP VA Policymanager RADIUS plus server with advanced policy control for up to 25000 endpoints, 2 year Software support $18215.00 - Get Discount
12261 Dell 119-BCBI APXH G500 HYN1 NCLSTR RAS VCFS ELA SB3Y $18215.50 - Get Discount
12262 Dell 999_A8340994 DELL F SILVERLINE SUB DDOS PROT 1YR AO 100GBPS CLEAN 50MBPS $182151.99 - Get Discount
12263 Dell 999_A8340934 DELL F SILVERLINE SUB DDOS PROT 1YR AA 200GBPS CLEAN 50MBPS $182151.99 - Get Discount
12264 Dell 999_A8340924 DELL F SILVERLINE SUB DDOS PROT 1YR AA 100GBPS CLEAN 250MBPS $182151.99 - Get Discount
12265 Dell AC265802 VLA SQL SERVER ENT PER 2 CORE LICENSES S $18216.00 - Get Discount
12266 Dell 12863_338-BSIW 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8260Y 2.4G, 24C/48T, 10.4GT/s, 35.75M Cache, Turbo, HT (165W) DDR4-2933 $18218.00 - Get Discount
12267 Dell 12273_338-BSIW 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8260Y 2.4G, 24C/48T, 10.4GT/s, 35.75M Cache, Turbo, HT (165W) DDR4-2933 $18218.00 - Get Discount
12268 Dell 12229_338-BSIW 2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8260Y 2.4G, 24C/48T, 10.4GT/s, 35.75M Cache, Turbo, HT (165W) DDR4-2933 $18218.00 - Get Discount
12269 Dell 881-7779 PSMC TECH SPT HCI VCF D560F 27MO CH T1 $18219.00 - Get Discount
12270 Dell 338-BSOQ Intel Xeon Gold 5215L 2.5GHz, 3.4GHz Turbo, 10C, 10.4GT/s 2UPI, 13.75MB Cache, HT (85W) 4.5TB DDR4-2666 (Kit- CPU only) $18219.67 - Get Discount
12271 Dell A9972063 VLA VRM CRME SERVICES (DDDC/ESC/ESCH/ET $182192.71 - Get Discount
12272 Dell A9972064 VLA VRM CRME SERVICES (DDDC/ESC/ESCH/ET $182192.76 - Get Discount
12273 Dell 877-0488 6630FRB24 PS TECH SPT 5YR $1822.00 - Get Discount
12274 Dell 5HDGJ MOD,PRC,6230R,2.1G,35.75M,CT,Z $1822.00 - Get Discount
12275 Dell AB191071 CS-THE CONTAINER STORE-VERTIV GEIST PDU $1822.00 - Get Discount
12276 Dell A5924590 VLA SQL SERVER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12277 Dell A5920287 VLA SQL SERVER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12278 Dell A5920074 VLA SQL SERVER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12279 Dell A5920048 VLA SQL SERVER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12280 Dell A5920046 VLA SQL SERVER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12281 Dell A4241380 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32/64BIT SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12282 Dell A4241370 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32/64BIT SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12283 Dell A3717503 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32/64BIT SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12284 Dell A2635055 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32 SOFTWARE ASSUR $1822.00 - Get Discount
12285 Dell A2095005 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32/64BIT SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12286 Dell A2094854 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32/64BIT SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12287 Dell A2094821 VLA SQL SERVER ENT WIN32/64BIT SA $1822.00 - Get Discount
12288 Dell MJK8X MOD,PRC,6230,2.1,CLX,125W-2 $1822.00 - Get Discount
12289 Dell 9673K MOD,PRC,6230R,2.1G,KUAI SHOU $1822.00 - Get Discount
12290 Dell 999_972-8902 ProSupport 4-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service $1822.00 - Get Discount
12291 Dell 999_972-8901 ProSupport 4-Hour 7x24 On-Site Service $1822.00 - Get Discount
12292 Dell 1844_978-6567 ProSupport Pluswith Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7X24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 60 Months Extended $1822.00 - Get Discount
12293 Dell 1840_978-6572 ProSupport Pluswith Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7X24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 60 Months Extended $1822.00 - Get Discount
12294 Dell 1489_978-6567 ProSupport Pluswith Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7X24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 60 Months Extended $1822.00 - Get Discount
12295 Dell 1488_978-6572 ProSupport Pluswith Mission Critical: 4-Hour 7X24 Onsite Service with Emergency Dispatch, 60 Months Extended $1822.00 - Get Discount
12296 Dell 821-5292 PSMC TECH SPT NW302 51M CH $1822.00 - Get Discount
12297 Dell 954-5837 PSPMC 4H7X24 OS,PV MD3x20i,UNY,3YR EXT $1822.00 - Get Discount
12298 Dell 816-0889 Restricted: ProSupport One Mission Critical for Data Center: 7x24 HW/SW Tech Support Assist 7 Years $1822.00 - Get Discount
12299 Dell 978-0659 PSMC OEM 8H7X24 OS,PER730XL,UNY,24MO,EXT $1822.00 - Get Discount
12300 Dell 978-0599 PSMC OEM 4H7X24 OS,PER730XL,UNY,24MO,EXT $1822.00 - Get Discount
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